Wednesday, November 4, 2015

By the Numbers - the SAF PRIMER

Are you on a self awareness journey? For beginners and seasoned travelers, you'll soon be exploring the world of the organs and glands and emotions of humankind a la SAF-style. 

Announcing: We finally have a Primer for SAF, a simple and easy to read text. Aligned with the special SAF numbering system (1-24), The Numbers of SAF has basic descriptions of the corresponding organs and glands and emotions as found with the SAF method, the Self Awareness Formulas. 

The information in The Numbers of SAF is not just about the physical aspects of the organs and glands because we humans are not just physical beings; we are a holistic, holographic unit. On these pages, the Reader will find the body-mind-emotion-spirit of each organ and gland system, a multi-dimensional view. This is the language of SAF, how it is that our protein structures (DNA), our organs and glands, can send us messages to heed, important messages about our body and health and about the patterns in our life.

Think of an SAF chain of numbers as displaying that multi dimensional view as it finds a single moment of impact in your life. How many impacts have there been? We humans each embody many, many chain sequences because we’ve had impacts, injuries, physical and emotional upsets throughout our lives. And so, that multi dimensional view is essential as it provides us with clarity and understanding.

The following excerpt from the new book is a brief example of the multi dimensional view found with SAF sequences.

#4 is the Stomach and Digestive system. 

On a physical level, are we digesting our food properly so that our body is nourished? Do we experience gastritis? 

On a emotional level, we must be able to to take in any energy or substance to be happy and feel nourished. Have we swallowed an idea that is too large for us to grasp? If so, we must break it down into smaller pieces in order to digest it.

Energetically, #4 is considered the Digester, in that, this system is focused on nurturing and happiness. Understanding this will help us discern what feeds us, what is nurturing and what does neither. It is important when ingesting food to not ingest the angry words or emotions of another. Keep mealtimes stress-free or eat at a different time.

We have been programmed to be eaten up, consumed by messy situations and events; with SAF session work we can break down foods and ideas and assimilate (embrace) these into our system. 

This is how all medicine and healing should be.

The Numbers of SAF was designed for active Participants and their busy Practitioners to enable the session work to go seamlessly, with rapid results. The more we know about our own systems and the interconnections, the more in depth we can go, with a corresponding rise in awareness. 

Note to the Reader: this book does not have theory or how to read a chain. This is a holistic view of the human systems, a la SAF.

Yes, we are of the mind that this is how all medicine and healing should be.    
Check out the book! The Numbers of SAF $10.90  

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